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Inviting Shop Members
Last updated aprox. 6 años ago

Please note, this is currently only a closed beta feature.

Click on your username in the top right corner and select Settings.

Under Shop, click Members.

enter image description here

Click Invite Member.

Input the email address of the user you would like to add to your shop (this must be the email address registered to the user's Selly account) and select the Permissions you will allow the user to have.

enter image description here

When enabling permissions to a user, be mindful that they will have full access to that resource and have the ability to view, edit, update and delete.

Click Invite User to complete.

The user will be sent an email asking to confirm their invitation. Once they click the link, the user will be redirected to the Dashboard. The user can access dashboards of shops they are members of by clicking on their username on the top right of the dashboard, selecting View or Create Shops and clicking on the Shop name.