
E-commerce Should Be Automated

We make it easy, simple and quick to manage and run your shop. We'll handle the hard stuff for you whilst you focus on growing your business.
Accepting payments
Automate your entire payment processing flow, from CashApp, to PayPal to cryptocurrencies.
Detailed event logs
Automatically keep track of each process of the order, including payment confirmation, product delivery, and delivery reception.
Stock management
No longer worry about keeping track of stock counts or the number of goods sold with our fully automatic stock management system.
Product delivery without the heavy lifting
The days of having to manually deliver goods to your customers are over. Customers purchase their goods and we'll automatically process the order, manage your stock and deliver the goods to the customer all for you via an email.
Track delivery email opening
Plus and Enterprise shops can track whether customers have opened their product delivery email and see the exact time this occurred.
Warranty management
Provide piece-of-mind to your customers, by specifying a warranty for your product with fully automated built-in expiration tracking.
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